Page 18 - CCGA Best Practices Version English
P. 18

Benefits: By reviewing applicable regulations, codes, and standards, the
          designer minimizes potential conflicts/damages, and facilitates future locates.
          •  CSA S250-11, Mapping of Underground Utility Infrastructure

          1-10:  Constructability Review

          Practice Statement: Although constructability reviews should occur
          throughout the design stage, prior to the finalization of the design, the
          project should be subjected to a constructability review. The participants
          in this process should include a constructor, the project designer/engineer,
          and the project owner. Other participants could include the owners affected
          by the project. This process should result in a final design which can be
          circulated as appropriate for approvals.

          Practice Description: This practice will allow the designer/engineer,
          constructor, project owner, and facility owners to assess the constructability
          of the project design, assess project alternatives, review proposed schedules,
          and to facilitate smoother, less costly, more efficient and safer construction.
          Benefits: The application of constructability reviews will result in more
          efficient construction, more effective design, reduced costs, and improved


          1-11:  Use of Qualified Contractors

          Practice Statement: Qualified contractors should be used to excavate on
          and near underground facilities.
          Practice Description: Contractors that excavate on and near underground
          facilities should possess the qualifications necessary to conduct such
          activities in a manner that is both safe and reliable, and ensures a quality
          product. The use of qualified contractors ensures that contractors retained to
          work on a project are capable of performing the work required, and operate
          safely. By requiring contractors to be qualified, public safety is protected as
          is the integrity of the underground facilities in the area of the excavation.
          Allowing a competitive bidding process from qualified, competent, and
          experienced contractors should assure both quality and price, and should
          minimize the risk of damage to underground facilities.

          Example of Practice: Most large organizations involved in capital works
          have developed policies to qualify contractors. These policies often involve
          establishing criteria in such areas as financing, insurance, occupational

                       Canadian Common Ground Alliance
                      Best Practices Version 3.0 – October 2018
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