Canadian Common Ground Alliance

Damage Prevention is a Shared Responsibility


Membership Details

The Canadian Common Ground Alliance (CCGA) is a consortium of representatives established to lead development of consistent damage prevention practices to ensure the highest possible standards of public, worker safety and community safety and the integrity of Canada's underground infrastructure.

The CCGA’s primary role is to champion and pursue damage prevention issues of national interest and interface with national level stakeholders.  The CCGA Board of Directors and President sets the broad national strategy and focuses on the larger issues while delegating operational details to working committees or back to the provincial societies or other participating stakeholders.

The CCGA is independent from the Common Ground Alliance (CGA) in the United States. It is governed by the CCGA Board of Directors, the CGA Regional Partners in Atlantic Canada, Québec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia, and the CCGA Senate.

What will the financial resources by used for?

Resources collected from National members and Regional Partners are used to support National level initiatives, some convening and communication expenses and basic administrative support costs.

Target Amount

The minimum amount estimated to run the CCGA is approximately $100,000 per annum.  This does not include specific project funding for various initiatives (i.e. Harmonized Best Practices, National Conference, CGA (US) Representation, etc.).

Who is eligible for Membership?

Membership is limited to the Provincial CGA partners, the CCGA Senate, and beginning April 2020, Underground Infrastructure Owners with a National Footprint (ie: transmission pipeline and telecommunication companies) can apply for CCGA membership providing they remain  members of Provincial Regional Partners where they own and operate buried assets.

What do you get for Membership?

The CCGA is committed to championing a number of National issues that are on the wish lists of CGA Regional Partners.  These include simplified access to One Call Centres and the damage prevention process, Best Practice harmonization, One Call legislation and meaningful enforcement of same; and Harmonized Education & Awareness.  By participating in the CCGA, members have a neutral platform to collaborate and work together to achieve these outcomes.  The CCGA is primarily consensus based and as such, Regional Partners have an ability to significantly influence the direction and decisions of this body.

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