Canadian Common Ground Alliance

Damage Prevention is a Shared Responsibility



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  • 12 Jul 2023 10:24 AM | Anonymous

    Located in Calgary, Alberta, the Canada Energy Regulator (Canadian Energy Regulator) is an independent energy lifecycle regulator responsible for federally regulated pipelines and power lines, energy development and trade. The Canada Energy Regulator also provides energy information to Canadians. As such, the CER sits at the fulcrum of many pivotal issues for Canada, including safe energy transmission, understanding Canada’s energy future, and implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

    The Chief Executive Officer of the CER is the deputy head of the organization and ensures alignment between the adjudicative work of the Commission, the strategic role of the Board, and the full staff. The CEO manages the day-to-day affairs of the Regulator and acts as its key representative in engaging with external partners.

    To achieve results, the CEO brings in their deep expertise in energy regulation, direct experience of engagement and partnerships with Indigenous Peoples, and awareness of the challenges and opportunities related to Canada’s energy transition.

    Click the link for more information and to apply:

  • 03 Nov 2022 1:02 PM | Anonymous

    The Canadian Common Ground Alliance (CCGA) released the 2021 Damage Information Reporting Tool (DIRT) Report today. This report presents characteristics, themes and contributing factors leading to buried energy and utility damages in Canada as reported via the DIRT system.

    In 2021, there were 11,403 damages reported via DIRT for Canada; on average, this is more than 45 reported damages per workday. The societal cost of these damages to underground infrastructure in Canada continues to be estimated in excess of $1 billion per year.

    Among all damage reports with an identified and known root cause, 27% occurred because no locate was made to a One Call Centre and 31% were the result of insufficient excavation practices.

    A new table was added to the CCGA report this year capturing the number of parties reporting data into the provincial /regional partner DIRT data. This metric adds context to the number of damages reported in each province - particularly when considered relative to population - and illustrates the ongoing challenge of data collection across the country. 

    While reporting damages in DIRT continues to be voluntary, the data is critical for the CCGA to determine root causes and develop mitigating measures to reduce and eliminate them.


    • 11,403 damages voluntarily reported in 2021 – a drop of 1% from 2020
    • More than 45 damages occurred per work day
    • 27% of damages are the direct result of not making a locate request to a One Call Centre – Up 5% from 2020
    • Damages cost Canadians in excess of a $1 Billion annually

    The complete 2021 DIRT Report is available to download at Stakeholders interested in submitting data to the 2022 report, or establishing a Virtual Private Dirt account, should visit the DIRT website at

    The Canadian Common Ground Alliance (CCGA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing public safety, and increasing the integrity and reliability of Canada’s underground utility infrastructure through the development and implementation of effective and efficient damage prevention practices across Canada. As Canada’s unified voice on damage prevention, the CCGA attracts members from all Canadian national organizations and associations who share common damage prevention and public safety solutions. The CCGA and its Regional Partners welcome all stakeholders who wish to be part of the identification and promotion of best practices that reduce damage to buried utilities.

    Doug Lapp
    Canadian Common Ground Alliance

    Media Inquiries:

  • 08 May 2022 11:49 AM | Anonymous

    April is “Dig Safe” month, a good time to remind people about safe digging practices when working in the ground for their job or at their homes. It’s important to know what kind of infrastructure like pipelines, or utility lines, are buried underground before starting any kind of project. Click Before You Dig is the best way to find out.

    Read More:

  • 19 Nov 2021 12:41 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    CCGA DIRT Report Estimates Damage to Buried Utilities Continues to Cost Canada at Least $1 Billion Every Year. Please see the CCGA's News Release for more information.

    Link to 2020 DIRT Report.

  • 21 May 2020 10:46 AM | Anonymous member

    There was considerable interest in the CCGA's Virtual Public Awareness Workshop which has been scheduled Thursday May 28 between 0830hrs and 1130hrs.

    This session will be devoted to the development of a damage prevention awareness and education matrix recommending a series of actions for all stakeholders; effectively broadening and adding strength to the foundation of education messaging.

    If you wish to participate in this free session, please contact Ms Gloria Jackman.

  • 14 May 2020 12:29 PM | Anonymous member

    Le CCGA annule le symposium 2020 sur la prévention des dommages prévu du 26 au 29 octobre au River Cree Resort and Casino d’Edmonton, en Alberta. Bien que les entreprises commencent à rouvrir un peu partout au pays, le CCGA, étant un organisme dédié à la sécurité, a décidé d’annuler cet événement phare par excès de prudence.

    « Notre souci est le bien-être des Canadiens et des amis du monde entier qui viennent au Canada pour participer à notre symposium annuel, » a mentionné Todd Scott, président du CCGA, après avoir pris cette décision lors de la réunion du conseil du CCGA du mercredi 13 mai. « Nous devons annuler cet événement afin de protéger la santé de chaque participant et le bien-être de nos communautés. »

    Le CCGA envisage plusieurs options pour la création d’un symposium virtuel cet automne et espère qu’il sera possible de participer en personne au symposium sur la prévention des dommages en 2021.

  • 14 May 2020 12:27 PM | Anonymous member

    The CCGA is cancelling the 2020 Damage Prevention Symposium scheduled October 26 to 29 at the River Cree Resort and Casino in Edmonton, Alberta. Although businesses are beginning to re-open in various parts of the country, the CCGA, as a safety organization, and through an abundance of caution, has chosen to cancel its cornerstone event.

    “Our focus is on the well-being of Canadians and our friends around the globe who come to Canada to attend our annual symposium” said CCGA Chair, Todd Scott, following the CCGA Executive meeting held Wednesday, May 13 when the decision was made. “For the sake of everyone’s health, and the continued well-being of our communities, we need to cancel the event.”

    The CCGA is now exploring options to host a virtual symposium in the fall and looks forward to returning to the Damage Prevention Symposium in 2021.

  • 16 Apr 2020 4:03 PM | Anonymous member

    Le CCGA planifiera bientôt à un atelier virtuel avec des représentants en prévention des dommages et en sensibilisation du public. Ils seront responsables de la création d’une grille où les responsabilités élargies en matière de sensibilisation du public seront définies pour tous les intervenants du CCGA : propriétaires d’infrastructures souterraines ainsi que les personnes susceptibles de perturber le sol. Cette grille a pour but d’établir les seuils de formation et de sensibilisation en prévention des dommages afin que les messages et l’appropriation de ceux-ci atteignent les objectifs souhaités.

    Si vous ou l’un de vos collègues désirez être inscrits à l’atelier virtuel Sensibilisation du public, veuillez faire parvenir vos noms et adresses courriel à la directrice du CCGA, Mme Gloria Jackman.

  • 16 Apr 2020 4:00 PM | Anonymous member

    The CCGA will be scheduling a virtual workshop in the near future with damage prevention and public awareness representatives to develop an education and awareness matrix that broadens public awareness responsibilities among all CCGA stakeholders – asset owners and ground disturbers alike. The matrix seeks to establish damage prevention education and awareness thresholds, messaging and ownership of same to reach desired objectives.

    If you or any of your colleagues wish to register for the Virtual Public Awareness Workshop, please send names and email addresses to CCGA Administrator, Ms Gloria Jackman.

  • 16 Apr 2020 3:28 PM | Anonymous member

    C’est la première fois que le CCGA élargit ses critères d’adhésion afin d’inclure les propriétaires d’infrastructures souterraines ayant des réseaux à l’échelle nationale (comme les entreprises de télécommunications, de pipelines et de réseaux interprovinciaux de transport d’énergie). Le CCGA s’engage à établir et à assurer un dialogue sur la gestion de la prévention des dommages avec les propriétaires d’infrastructures souterraines sous réglementation fédérale afin d’élaborer à l’échelle nationale des formations et des programmes de sensibilisation cohérents et plus efficaces. L’adhésion au CCGA ne remplacera pas celle auprès des partenaires régionaux du CGA canadien. Si votre entreprise est déjà membre ou est un commanditaire de l’un ou l’autre des partenaires régionaux du CGA canadien, ces relations doivent être maintenues.

    Pour plus d’informations afin de devenir membre, veuillez visiter la page Demande d’adhésion du site Web du CCGA. Si vous désirez devenir membre, défilez jusqu’au bas de la page, sélectionnez votre niveau ou la catégorie d’adhésion, puis suivez les étapes jusqu’à ce que l’adhésion soit complétée. Si vous avez besoin d’un reçu, veuillez envoyer votre demande au comptable du CCGA, M. Gary Laycraft

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